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Principal's Message: | About | Paradise School
Pune, MH, India. +917741001835

Welcome to Paradise International School, It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I  welcome you to our school's website. As the principal of this wonderful institution, I am honored to lead a community where our collective goal is to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for every student. At Paradise International, we are committed to fostering a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom. Our dedicated educators work tirelessly to ensure that each student is challenged academically, supported emotionally, and encouraged to explore their unique talents and interests.

Our faculty and staff are our greatest assets. They bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to their roles, and they are deeply committed to the success and well-being of our students. We believe that education is a partnership, and we actively encourage parents to collaborate with us to support their children's learning journey.

We are proud of our students achievements, both in the classroom and in their extracurricular pursuits. Their successes are a testament to their hard work and the supportive community that surrounds them.

Our goal is to prepare our students not just for academic success but for life beyond school. Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you are a current member of our school community or a prospective family considering Paradise International, I hope you find the information here helpful and inspiring. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to learn more about what makes Paradise International a special place.

Warm regards,
Mrs. Pradnya Sachin Kale
Principal, Paradise International School