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Primary Schools near Me | Good CBSE Schools near Me - Paradise School.
Pune, MH, India. +917741001835

At Paradise International School, we take discipline and values seriously. We believe that a disciplined environment is essential for fostering a conducive learning atmosphere. Here are some of our key rules and regulations:

1. General Conduct

  • Respect and Discipline: Students are expected to show respect to teachers, staff, and fellow students. Any form of disrespect, bullying, or harassment is strictly prohibited.
  • Attendance: Students must attend school regularly and punctually. A minimum attendance of 75% is mandatory to be eligible for examinations.
  • Uniform: Students must wear the prescribed school uniform and maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene. The uniform should be neat and properly worn at all times.

2. Academic Regulations

  • Homework and Assignments: Students are required to complete and submit homework and assignments on time. Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated.
  • Examinations: Students must adhere to the examination schedule and rules. Any form of malpractice during exams will result in severe consequences.
  • Library Rules: Students must maintain silence in the library and handle books and materials with care. Borrowed books should be returned on time.

3. Behavioral Expectations

  • Classroom Behavior: Students should be attentive and participate actively in class. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Language: Students should use polite and appropriate language at all times.
  • Electronic Devices: Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed during school hours unless permitted for educational purposes.

4. Safety and Security

  • Campus Safety: Students must follow all safety rules and procedures. Running in corridors and playing in non-designated areas are prohibited.
  • Emergency Procedures: Students must be familiar with and follow the school’s emergency procedures during drills and actual emergencies.
  • Prohibited Items: Bringing weapons, harmful substances, or any item that can cause injury or harm is strictly prohibited.

5. Health and Hygiene

  • Medical Conditions: Students with medical conditions must inform the school administration and provide necessary documentation.
  • Sick Leave: Students should stay home if they are unwell to prevent the spread of illness. A medical certificate is required for extended absences due to illness.

6. Extracurricular Activities

  • Participation: Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. They must maintain discipline and follow the rules of the respective clubs or teams.
  • Sportsmanship: Students should display good sportsmanship and respect in all sporting and extracurricular events.

7. Parental Involvement

  • Communication: Parents are encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers and attend parent-teacher meetings.
  • Support: Parents should support their children’s education by ensuring they complete their homework, attend school regularly, and follow school rules.

8. Environmental Responsibility

  • Cleanliness: Students must keep the school premises clean and dispose of litter properly.
  • Sustainability: Students should participate in and support school initiatives aimed at environmental sustainability, such as recycling programs.

9. Disciplinary Actions

  • Infractions: Minor infractions will be dealt with through warnings and counseling. Repeated or severe infractions will lead to appropriate disciplinary actions, including detention, suspension, or expulsion.
  • Grievance Redressal: Students and parents can report grievances through the proper channels, and the school will address them promptly and fairly.

By adhering to these rules and regulations, the school community can ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for all.